Luxury Real Fur Coats
Simply The Best ⚜️
About Us
Furs By Faraday is the only place to go to purchase luxury fur items, I am extremely passionate about what I do down to every small detail. I genuinely love to see my designs on customers worldwide and nothing makes me happier than to see a little girl in her first ever mink coat or when a customer tells me how long they saved for to get one of my coats it honestly and truly fills me with joy knowing that they came to me.
I want you to know when you purchase a coat from me that I have designed you should know our SAGA furs can only be of such high quality as our animals are taken care of and live in extremely good conditions.
All of our adult staff are paid fairly so when you wear your coat wear it with pride knowing it’s a sustainable statement piece you will get a lifetime of wear from and then you can pass it down to future generations.
I feel it’s important in this day and age to be aware of who is making your clothing so you can wear your coat with confidence knowing it’s NOT from a sweatshop underpaid small children have helped to make…
Signed CEO Perry xoxo